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Don’t Just Launch A Welcome Popup (13 Ways To Level Up With Privy)

Written by Kristina Simonson | May 13, 2024

Email and SMS marketing are the top 2 revenue driving channels for Shopify stores.

And new contacts are the fuel that keep these programs running.

But, we find that SO many brands are barely scratching the surface. Or they’re overinvesting time and $$ by using 7+ different apps to accomplish the same objective.

But, hey. We get it. 

We understand how it can happen. You’re wearing TONS of hats day in and day out.

Which means, you likely don’t have the time or the expertise to know exactly what else you can or should be doing to get more out of your website.

But, the good news is…you don’t have to go at it alone when it comes to your marketing.

Let’s talk about how you can take list growth to the next level with Privy.

This post will cover:

  1. 13 plays to help you get more from your website
  2. 12 settings you’ll love
  3. And everything else you probably don’t know about Privy Convert 👀

13 plays to help you get more from your website

Let's get straight to the good stuff. Here are the must-know campaigns you've gotta try.

#1: Welcome Discount Popup

Sure, a welcome discount popup is a powerful list growth tactic.

In fact, it’s the first thing we would recommend you activate when coming over to Privy (here’s how to create a high performing one, by the way, plus 13 examples to inspire you).

But, you shouldn’t stop here.

We found that merchants with more than 1 display live on their website see 72% more signups per month on average.

So, let’s talk about how you can drive results just like that with the 12 other plays you could try.

Psssttt…this doesn’t mean you should launch ALL of these plays. Start by activating 1-2 of these ideas and review your results to inform what you do next.

#2: Exit Intent Display

Goal: Save more carts + prevent lost traffic

How it works: Exit intent displays trigger when a website visitor is just about to leave your website. This is your chance to get in front of them before they leave. To encourage them to stay on your website, complete their shopping, or provide a way to keep in touch.

Like this example from These Three Boutique:

And here are 11 more Exit Intent examples from the Privy Swipe File.

How to do it in Privy: Create an exit-intent display (and check out this best practices video!)

#3: Cart Saver Display

Goal: Save more carts + prevent lost traffic

How it works: Similar to the exit intent display, a cart saver helps you get in front of visitors before they leave your site. The difference here is that the cart saver layers in targeting rules based on a visitor’s cart. Visitors with a cart value have more intent to buy from your site (they’re so close!) and this play can help encourage them to complete the process.

Here’s an example from Nadaré Co:

And here are 16 more Cart Saver examples from the Privy Swipe File.

How to do it in Privy: Create a Cart Saver Display (and check out this best practices video!)

Pssttt…launching a cart saver is just step 1 of your abandoned cart strategy. Make sure you’re leveraging abandoned cart email automations as well.

#4: Countdown Timer Bar

(plus the option to add a signup form!)

Goal: Drive urgency + increase website conversion rate

How it works: A countdown timer is an excellent way to drive urgency with your website visitors. It sits at the top of your website to drive awareness to your offer and creates urgency with a ticking timer. This play is really simple to get set up and should 100% be part of the promotion for your next limited time offer.

How to do it in Privy: Create a Countdown Timer Bar

#5: Free Shipping Bar

Goal: Increase average order value

How it works: Not offering free shipping is becoming a dealbreaker for shoppers today. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your margins and offer it to everyone. You can use a free shipping bar to incentivize a higher AOV (average order value) by implementing a threshold value. Like this example from Pocket Socks 👇

How to do it in Privy: Create a Free Shipping Bar

#6: Announcement Bar 

(plus the option to add a signup form!)

Goal: Drive urgency + increase website conversion rate

How it works: Don’t want to showcase free shipping or countdown to a sale? You can launch a simple announcement bar in a matter of clicks with Privy. This play sits at the top (or bottom) of your website and can remain visible as your visitors navigate around. It’s a great way to get attention and drive awareness to your call to action (without disrupting the session).

Check out this example from Bryght:

How to do it in Privy: Create a Bar Display

P.S. You can always add a form to this play as a way to capture subscribers, too!

#7: Cross Sell Display

Goal: Increase average order value

How it works: This display type is a powerful way to reward both you and your shoppers. You get to increase average order value, while your customers get a complementary product to go with their order. When you create a cross-sell display in Privy, you can target based on product, page, or audience parameters. This way, you can recommend the right product based on your shoppers’ behavior. 

Just like this example from Death Wish Coffee:

How to do it with Privy: Create a Cross Sell Display

#8: No Form Display

Goal: Drive urgency + increase website conversion rate

How it works: Have an offer you want to get in front of as many visitors as possible while removing any friction? Consider a no form display. It’s as easy as unchecking the form within your Privy Convert display 😊

Check out this example from Show Me Your Mumu:

How it works: Create a Formless Display

P.S. This play is worth exploring during the Black Friday season. It’s a great way to remove friction when you know the intent to buy is at an all time high.

#9: Embedded Forms

Goal: Capture email + SMS subscribers

How it works: You can build an embedded form in Privy and place it across your store. Whether that’s in the header, footer, a landing page….you name it. This form helps you capture sign ups directly on your website.

Check out this example from the Spice Girls Official Store:

How to do it in Privy: Create an Embedded Form

#10: Spin to Win

Goal: Capture email + SMS subscribers

How it works: Spin to Win brings an interactive, gamified experience to your website. Your visitors will fill out a form, spin the wheel and have the chance to earn a reward. This play is a ton of fun, so it's no surprise when we see that brands 2-3x their signup rates with this type of display. 

Check out this example from Yellowberry:

How to do it in Privy: Create a Spin to Win Display

P.S. While some brands love spin to win, we often hear that other stores stray away because it doesn’t align to their brand. If you relate to this, we get it! But if you want to try it out, we recommend taking it for a spin (get it 😉) for a timely campaign. This way, you can switch up your sign up experience and get a list growth boost without feeling like you have to commit to spin to win 24/7.

#11: Social Media List Growth

Goal: Capture email + SMS subscribers

How it works: One thing we’ve noticed from talking to the Shopify founders we work with is that they are incredible community builders. So, there’s no surprise when we see how engaged their social following is. In many cases, it provides a larger reach than their website traffic. Sound familiar? Try out this list growth play!

By building this play in Privy, you can create a simple landing page to use in your profile and social posts. Rather than sending your social followers to your website (and waiting for them to see a popup or make a purchase), this play funnels them right onto your list. It’s such a powerful way to convert your social media followers into subscribers. 

Here’s an example from Purple Rose Home:

How to do it in Privy: Create a Landing Page

#12: Email to SMS List Growth

Goal: Capture email + SMS subscribers

How it works: If you’re getting started with SMS marketing, this play is the best place to start. You can build a landing page in Privy promoting your SMS list to your email subscribers. Since these contacts already subscribe to your email list, there’s a strong chance they want to hear more from your brand (especially if it means special offers 👀).

Here's an example from Truly Lifestyle Brand (pssttt..check out more on their Privy story here).

How to do it in Privy: Create a Landing Page

#13: Landing Page Segmentation

Goal: Enhance your email + SMS marketing segmentation

How it works: Similar to the last few examples, this play leverages the landing page display within Privy. For this use case, merchants can use a landing page to aid in their email and SMS segmentation. Here are 2 examples where you may do this:

#1: You have a special offer that you want to promote ahead of time. With a landing page, you can highlight an upcoming offer and build a segment based on it. Here’s an example from Misha Hawaii Jewelry:

#2: Or you want to give contacts a chance to opt out of hearing from your brand about a specific offer. Like this example from Moss & Fawn

How to do it in Privy: Create a Landing Page

Even MORE secrets for boosting your list growth

Alright, let’s take a step back.

You already knew about the welcome discount popup, but now you know about 12 other plays you could try for your store. 

But it doesn’t stop there…

Because there are still SO many different ways you can level up your list growth and website optimization with Privy.

Let’s talk about the other things you probably didn’t know you could do

12 settings and features you'll love

  1. AB testing (so you can experiment and learn what works best for your store) 
  2. Coupons (you can create these in Privy and they’ll sync with Shopify)
  3. Flexible trigger options and frequency settings
  4. Display targeting by website behavior, shopping activity and customer attributes 
  5. Hidden fields (so you can enhance your signup data and segmentation)
  6. Device optimization (you can do this in a single display!)
  7. Tabs (so your visitors can recall the display(s) they’ve seen)
  8. Form validation rules 
  9. Scheduling functionality (no need to be at your computer when your sale starts!)
  10. After sign up emails (and texts)
  11. Real-time notifications (get alerted about new signups)
  12. Reporting to analyze display performance (more improvements here coming soon!)

Flexibility to create the design YOU have in mind

Here’s the deal. When you’re looking to launch a new display on your website, it’s likely you already have a vision for what you want (whether it’s something you’ve done or seen before).

So, the last thing you want is to be limited in creating a display that doesn't look just how you pictured it.

That’s why we’ve just invested months improving the Privy Convert editing experience. To give you more flexibility to create what you have in mind.

Have questions about how to build something that you have in mind? Reach out to us at and we’ll reply with a video showing you how.

Think outside the box with the help of Privy’s Customer Success team

We already told you about the investments to the Privy Convert creation experience (you’ll hear even more about this really soon!).

But we’re not stopping there. We’re investing heavily in our Privy Convert product this year. So, we hope you get excited with us about what’s to come next. Just check out the chat at our last company meeting 👀

Until then, our team loves getting creative and finding new ways for you to leverage Privy Convert (yup, even more ways than the 13 plays we already covered).

Here are a few outside-the-box use cases Privy’s customer success team has helped merchants activate:

    • Upsell displays
    • Choose your own adventure
    • Back in stock signup
    • Scratch to win 

Interested in learning how you can work with our Customer Success team? Book a call with a Privy coach today.

Wrap up: Why you shouldn’t stop at 1 welcome popup.

We started this post talking about the problem today…

Too many brands are barely scratching the surface with their list growth.

So, hopefully this post was a helpful reminder of all the opportunities you have on your website to improve conversion and keep your email & SMS programs fueled.

And that you don’t need 7+ different apps to accomplish these goals. With Privy, you can do it all in one place (one app, one subscription, one team that’s committed to your success).

If you’re ready to take things to the next level, book a call with a coach to see how you can do it with Privy.