After years working in the ecommerce industry, Alex Pujji founded Right Left Agency on a mission to deliver meaningful results for small and growing businesses (without the costs of a big agency).
Weslie Finnerty joined the team in 2021 and has become Right Left Agency’s in-house expert in all things email & SMS marketing.
We had the chance to sit down with Weslie to hear about her (and their clients’) journey using Privy to scale.
In this post, we’ll cover:
Before Weslie joined Right Left Agency, the team hadn’t heard of Privy.
It wasn’t until one of their clients started hitting limitations with Mailchimp that they started looking for alternative solutions.
It started with a need for better pop ups to accelerate their clients’ list growth.
So, like many, Weslie headed to the Shopify App Store to do some research.
That’s when she found Privy.
And after presenting a comparison report between Mailchimp and Privy (alongside a few other alternatives), their client and the agency made the decision to go with Privy.
In Weslie’s own words—it was an “obvious decision” for them.
Especially when they found out they would get “the complete package” to manage their list growth and email marketing with Privy.
Though, like many, switching providers can come with some hesitations.
So, Weslie worked on spinning up a few test emails to assess early performance.
And they were blown away by the results...
The open rate was so much higher.
They were able to dramatically increase the reach of their email sends while maintaining their unsubscribe rate. Which meant—more opens, more clicks, and more revenue.
So, how do they drive these results? Let’s talk about Weslie’s playbook…
Working alongside dedicated customer success manager, Henry Hakim, and managing email & SMS marketing for dozens of clients over the years, Weslie has become an expert when it comes to strategy.
But, she knows for many clients, it can feel like there’s a lot to do to get started.
That’s why she always recommends laying the proper foundation first.
And for her, that means leaning on automations.
Because once they’re set up, they run 24/7 for your store.
Here are the first 4 steps she takes with clients:
1. Start collecting email signups ASAP.
You can't send marketing emails without growing your list first.
And even if you have an existing list, you need to be prioritizing list growth to scale your email marketing results.
That's why Weslie always starts here with her clients.
After recommendations from customer success manager, Henry, Weslie started experimenting with spin to win displays.
She's found it to be the top performing play across her clients—with an average of a 10%+ conversion rate.
So, like Henry, Weslie now recommends this experiment to each new client she works with.
2. Activate your after signup and welcome email series.
Including an offer for new signups is key to converting first-time purchases fast.
That’s why Weslie recommends turning on after signup emails to quickly deliver offer details to new subscribers.
And once these subscribes have received their offer, she leans on welcome emails to educate new contacts about the brand.
Most commonly, the content of these emails incorporate the founder's story, best sellers or educational tips and tricks to use the product. Like this:
3. Set up post purchase automation
Purchase follow ups emails are one of the best ways to turn first-time buyers into repeat customers.
Her secret sauce? Focusing on reviews.
Purchase follow up emails are a great way to get customers to leave a review after they’ve had the chance to enjoy their order.
But, it doesn’t stop there…
Weslie always includes an additional hook at the end of the review CTA.
Leave a review and get a discount code to shop again.
This way you can get a glowing review, remind customers why they love your products, and motivate them to shop again.
4. Turn on abandoned cart emails
“You’re leaving money on the table if you don’t have abandoned carts emails setup” Weslie told us.
And we couldn’t agree more.
In fact, we found that customers convert up to 20% of carts with Privy’s abandoned cart emails.
Through coaching with Henry and experimentation with clients, Weslie found that a small incentive can be enough to encourage an indecisive buyer to convert.
The typical abandoned cart flow she sets up for clients looks like this:
One of their clients have converted over 6 figures from this exact 3-step playbook 👆.
Which is why spending the time to lay the proper foundation is always worth the time upfront.
Because once this is setup, clients start driving results immediately—which gives Weslie time to start expanding their usage.
Once these fundamentals ☝️ are in place, Weslie works with clients on their campaign strategy.
Which can look very different based on each client’s needs, goals and business model.
So, Weslie spends the time upfront to experiment with things like frequency, content, offers (you name it), to identify a baseline strategy for each client.
For one of her long-time clients, Pink Dust Cosmetics, Weslie has established a playbook of 4-6 campaigns per month that drive 5+ figures in revenue for the store every single month.
Establishing a proven playbook for each client allows Weslie to stay organized and get in a rhythm executing to plan.
Which allows her to set aside time to plan creative experiments.
Like this campaign…
Last fall, Weslie was looking for creative ways to accelerate growth of her client’s SMS list.
She decided to make a spin on the holiday season and call this campaign: Pink Monday.
Here’s how it worked:
Over the course of 4 days of promotion, this campaign drove over 400 SMS subscribers and boosted the store’s daily revenue 5X.
Weslie said “It took a look of strategizing and commitment, but it paid off big time in the end”.
This experiment performed so well that they’re planning to replicate the campaign this year again.
Given all the success Weslie and her clients’ have seen with Privy, we asked her to summarize why she chooses Privy.
It comes down to 3 key takeaways:
#1: Getting an all-in-one platform to manage clients’ marketing needs
Weslie said “Privy is a complete package”.
She told us, when it comes to list growth; “there are so many different form fields you can choose from. It's 100% customizable across shape size, background, color, font, etc. So it works great for any client.”
And when it comes to email, she said “the results speak for themselves”.
She finds the open and click rates are consistently higher for each of her clients using Privy.
#2: Having access to a dedicated customer success manager
Weslie started working with her dedicated customer success manager, Henry Hakim, in early 2022.
They were consistent with strategy calls, had fun determining new ways to utilize Privy for her clients, and became good friends with a shared passion for growth.
Today, Weslie and Henry work closely on any clients Right Left Agency onboards to Privy.
Weslie told us—that "together, they are the dream team, and she knows she can count on Henry to be there whenever she needs help!".
#3: A team that listens and acts on feedback
Weslie said “I feel like every time I pop into Privy there's something new the product team has released. I get so excited about the new opportunities these improvements can create for our clients”.
She told us that she really appreciates that Privy is willing to listen and learn from users to grow the platform based on direct feedback.
In fact, several releases over the past year have been in direct response from feedback and ideas we’ve heard from Weslie and other partners.
So, if you’re reading this and have feedback for our team, please reach out to We’d love to hear from you and see how we can continue to improve your Privy experience!
After switching from Mailchimp to Privy, Weslie and the Right Left Agency team haven't looked back. They recommend Privy as the platform to manage their clients' marketing needs and lean on support from dedicated customer success manager, Henry, to help them find ways to grow and scale results overtime.
If you're looking for ways to drive results like this, here's how you can connect: